Hexa – Factory Photographs on Room40

“I grew up in the north-west of America, where there are no factories at all, just woods and farms”

This is David Lynch talking about his youth, mentioning his mothers background of growing up in Brooklyn, where he found he had a love for architecture, and notably, factories.

Hexa (Jamie Stewart & Lawrence English) present a sonic counterpart to Lynch’s 2015 exhibition – Factory Photographs. Across 10 tracks the album takes in rugged textures reminiscent of the wind and rain hammering against a broken window. Accompanied by moments of icy stillness, deep bass tones, the sounds of distant doors slamming and uncluttered, uncomplicated glitches.

Although that sounds impenetrable, the album has a real warmth and a genuine flow to it. What the album lacks in melody, it easily makes up for in pace and attention to detail.

The tracks morph, bend and fold around themselves. They are all given room to breath. It’s a fitting testament to the work of Lynch, so much so that he has allowed his photographs to be shown alongside upcoming live shows of the album in 2017.

Available on Room40.


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