REVIEW / !Kaboogie 5th Birthday Sampler (free EP)

Celebrating their 5th year of operation, the Irish bass obsessives at !kaboogie have decided to put together and release a 7 tracker for your listening pleasure.

!Kaboogie 5th Birthday Sampler

Kicking the barn doors open as is my chosen metaphor for the first track comes A-Force and UZN. An 80s style synth wraps itself around a meaty looping steppa.

Hot on track 1’s heels comes conventionally track two. Prince Kong and Skunk Fuck (feat. Jah Balance) and from the off I’m loving that intense snare roll that spits in. Big oozing bass follows and Jah Balance steps up. Definitely something to switch up the dancefloor. This one gets into your headspace and given half a chance will violate.

Meljoann may have the shortest track of the seven here at a mere 1 minute and 52 seconds but as a straight to business chunky bass roller it works.

Eomac‘s track Popflex has a deeper restrained vibe that the previous three tracks. Taking things down to a fuzzy smooth with a dripping water sort of feeling. Uplifting dank perhaps? Midway through, the beats switch up and we’re building up some steam. Lovely stuff.

Automatic Tasty drops an acid rich electro jam with a final polish that makes it sound like it’s lifted from a dusty old record you’ve loved for years. It’s not trying to be big or clever, it does its thing, locks you into its groove and takes you back.

Penultimately Herv‘s remix of Whanau by Love Rhino drops next. Focused yet still deranged beats and acidic electronica support or invade, depending on your viewpoint, lightly played piano fingering. For some reason post-rave self imposed exile death on a sunny Brighton beach comes to my mind.

Finally, Swarm Intelligence lays down Skrote. Another acid enriched track, albeit understated with it. Cutting broken beats and crunchy bass plough through, taking few prisoners. Grimy excellent stuff.

Happy birthday to !Kaboogie then. Here’s to the next five years guys.

There is some right quality sound on this EP. My only criticism would be that tracks are perhaps too short and in some cases feel more like sketches than the complete tracks they might be were they longer, however in no way should this discourage you from grabbing these.


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