Dmitry Distant – Closer Than Tears on Bass Agenda
November 4, 2014
by Mike Darkfloor
Closer Than Tears by the Russian born Dmitry Distant is another solid offering from British imprint and radio show – Bass Agenda.
Feeling just like a Phat Chex hardware electro jam, EP opener Forme De Lat Nuit rolls in with crisp, but deep felt sound. A Step Behind feels like a guiding star of neon enhanced, electro rhythm. Special mention needs to go to Commuter’s remix of the all too short Luxure. It plays with you – sure it’s driving and aimed for the dancefloor, but bubbles along the way, keeping that dark edge, that is for me, a trademark of good electro.
Closer Than Tears might not be rewriting the rulebook on what electro is, but then it doesn’t need too, good electro is afterall, good electro.