Korre on Mantis Radio
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Mantis Radio 357 – Korre

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We are back. Yes. Finally, Mantis Radio is back in production! It’s been a few months since that last episode, but we return. Thank you for your patience and support.

Coming up on this episode – a guest mix from Korre. Together with music from Ilian Tape, Catharsis, Northern Electronics, Dynamic Forces, Mani Festo, Stavrogin, Seba & Paradox, Öjskog, Those Holy, Kim Gordon, Amotik, Answer Code Request, Pearson Sound, Decal, Primitive Knot, Two Fingers, DJ Scotch Bonnet, Kevin Martin, KMRU, and VSCC.

An uninterrupted, music only version of this episode is available.

Stenny – Hazy Grove [Ilian Tape]
Catharsis – Stone on stone [DE/FRAGMENT]
Rune Bagge – Light Up the Sky [Northern Electronics]
Dynamic Forces – Enfant Prodige [Kazerne]
Mani Festo – Barricade (Addison Groove remix) [Shall Not Fade]
Stavrogin – Swamped [WNCL Recordings]
B.Visible – Sparkle (Farr remix) [Data Snacks]
Seba & Paradox – Volt [Ilian Tape]
Objekt – One Fell Swoop [PAN]
Öjskog – Hanna (Fresnel Lens Reduction) [Southern Lights]
Those Holy – In Shadows [self released]
Kim Gordon – Sketch Artist [Matador]
Primitive Knot – SET THE CONTROLS FOR OBLIVION [Deathbed Tapes]
Answer Code Request & Amotik – LED [Delsin Records]
Pearson Sound – Hornet [Hessle Audio]
Decal – Kill This Space [Front End Synthetics]

Senyawa and Colin Stetson – Welcome To The New World [Lakeshore Records]
Korre – XF (Richard Holhburn’s Premium Bottom Shelf Mix) [Perimeter Junk]
Reeko – Capitulo 5 [Mental Disorder]
Kastil – Db Lngths [Stale]
Galcher Lustwerk – Snackin’ [Lustwerk Music]
Berkovi vs Kittin – Il Est Disparu [Predicament]
Jeff Mills – Native High [Purpose Maker]
Infiniti – Think Quick [Metroplex]
Actress – Dream [Werk Discs]
Box Blaze & Deetron – Back & Forth [SuperBra]
Aleksi Perälä – UK74R1512110 [Clone Basement Series]
Trevino – Dance Decay [Birdie]
Korre – Heart & Soul
Chino Amobi – Fr Un [Intelligent Models]
DJ Blak – For Thugz [self released]

Two Fingers – Keman Rhythm [Big Dada]
DJ Scotch Bonnet – GOZILAMAN [Small But Hard Recordings]
VSCC – 88_9_29 [Opal Tapes]
KRM & KMRU – Otherness [Phantom Limb]


Featured Guest

Based in Brooklyn, Korre Jefferson is a Haitian-Puerto Rican New York City native pursuing the idea of translating their experiences in America into sound and image. His creative process revisits and reflects on past (and present) trauma and is expressed across releases, film, commercials, and fashion.

He came onto our radar early last year following the release of his debut album Oizys, for Pittsburgh’s Perimeter Funk. The record is a wonderful dub house record that Korre describes as “technoblues”. In April it was followed up by a remix EP, and throughout last year Korre steadily released material through his Bandcamp.

I always make sure my music has elements of pain, beauty, and darkness

As we were putting together the final touches this episode,  Portugal’s Diffuse Reality released the 6 track Barocco.

His mix for Mantis Radio takes us into this record bag, with a selection of darker mood and drift rich beats, with a groovy feel to proceedings.

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