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Mantis Radio 153 – Dead Fader

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On Mantis Radio this week the intense sound punisher Dead Fader. Before that mix, we’ve new music from Perc, Create Her, David Meiser, Wen, Evian Christ and Ingen vs Boris Noiz.

Mobthrow – Nu Nepal [Ad Noiseam]
Vittoria Fleet – David [n5MD]
Hiele – Classic Heights [Ekster]
Perc – Dumpster (Clouds remix) [Perc Trax]
Johnny Yesterday – Only Wax [Psychonavigation]
Subjected – Conquest 1 [Prosthetic Pressings]
Create Her – Her Ritual Is Travel [Terra Null]
Korova – Deep Water (I/Y remix) [RSVD]
Millie & Andrea – Spectral Source [Modern Love]
Artur Elek – Dro-Hp 3 [xe:tech:no]
Roebin de Freitas – Doubt [Ante-Rasa]
Ingen & Boris Noiz – Rituals [Combat Recordings]
Charlton – Unforgiven [Mord]
David Meiser – Machines Are Alive [dub]
Yør – Vertigo [Obsession Recordings]
Wen – Play Your Corner (feat. Riko) [Keysound]
Evian Christ – Waterfall [Tri Angle]

Igor Stravinsky – Rite of Spring
Toru Takemitsu – Hanare Goze Orin
Toru Takemitsu – Kwaidan Soundtrack
Krzysztof Penderecki – st lukes passion
Krzysztof Penderecki – cello concerto no.4
Johann Sebastian Bach – ich ruf zu dir, Herr jesu christ
Tod Dockstader – Ion Armada
Tod Dockstader – Slambrass
Pauline Oliveros – Drifting depths
Brian Eno – Lizard Point
Aphex Twin – Blur
Mika Vainio (o) – Heijastuva
C_C – aTTa-II-
Pan Sonic – Murskaus
Chu Ishikawa – Run
Khlyst – VII
Massona – Time is on my side

Featured Guest

On the cusp of releasing new material in the form of two full-length albums, Dead Fader‘s John Cohen recorded Mantis Radio an exclusive session.

a bunch of tracks I’m digging at the moment really. with a few classics in there also. but also i saw a pattern emerging whilst i was compiling it. and just rolled with that.

The sound of Dead Fader to date has been one of brilliantly intense, heavily distorted, grinding noise power. On his two upcoming releases – Scorched and Blood Forest – he shows both sides of the sonic coin, from the beautiful and melancholic to the brutal and maniac. Both are released April 21st on Robot Elephant Records and Small But Hard respectively.

With Scorched, this world collapses in on itself. Stripped back textures expose raw extremity and breadth. The album teeters on its fulcrum, maxed into the red, rhythm pushing and pulling to a fine-tuned tension and solidarity.

Blood Forest redresses the balance, introducing bittersweet textures and lush detuned synth melodies. Neoclassical influences are fragmented and reinvented, sprinkled with elements of electronic classics such as Boards of Canada. Cohen’s masterful battle between chaos and control, tension and release provokes all the right emotional responses, without giving it away too easily.

Taken from his Scorched album, this is Tubed

His In (Cover) 12″ single is available now and features non-album tracks and bonus download material from the recording sessions of Scorched.

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